Friday, September 16, 2011

Health District Response to Recent News Herald Editorial.

Dear Lake County News Herald Editor,
I am writing in response to the Letter to the Editor titled “Plan for Obesity” by Mr. Walter Tornstrom from Kirtland.  I would like to start by saying Mr. Tornstrom is “almost” on target with his comments.  First, there is a need to change Food Stamps to be limited to healthier food choices (Federal policy change); a move the Federal WIC program took several years ago.  The Lake County General Health disagrees that “cutting” the amount of cash benefits will directly impact obesity; rather, it will only cause many families to turn to lower cost high fat foods.  Secondly, we do not feel that the reintroduction of gymnastics is the answer (not appropriate for all children) but, Mr. Tornstrom is on target with gradual and goal oriented increases in physical activity.  The Health District is supporting increased purposeful daily physical activity for children in school, as well as adults in their daily lives.  Furthermore, the Health District applied for a 1.7 million dollar Federal Carol M. White grant to implement a county-wide physical activity curriculum in all public schools 9K-12) to support this very concept.  Third, the YMCA and Metroparks are not giving freebies but doing what they should do; improving access to physical activity for the community in which supports them financially.  To effectively turn back the clock on obesity it will certainly take the combined efforts of both education and policy adoption through community agencies, parents, employers, and health professionals working together. We encourage community members to join our Action Communities for Health, Innovation, and EnVironmental changE (ACHIEVE) initiative.  ACHIEVE  is a collaborative approach to develop and implement solutions that prevent chronic diseases supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Healthy Communities Program. To find out more visit . 
Ron H. Graham RD,LD, MPH
Deputy Health Commissioner
Lake County General Health District