Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Missed Opportunity.

In regard to the fact that many Ohio schools are choosing not to follow the new Childhood Obesity  Law requiring that schools measure a child’s height and weight (see the article at http://www.fox8.com/news/wjw-ohio-schools-weight-law-txt,0,3543812.story ) , I find this a huge step backward for our children.  Body mass index, or BMI, is a calculation that uses your height and weight to estimate how much body fat you have. Too  much body fat is a problem because it can lead to illnesses and other health problems.  Many years of research show that a child’s physical health affects their success in school.  I truly hope that school districts in Lake County will step up to actively support the law and its BMI screening program. 

I believe part of the problem is that schools must often deal with complaints of parents over controversial subjects such as BMI screenings.  That along with the fact that schools are required to do more tasks with less resources could cause them to be turned-off to unfunded programs due to the amount of time it takes to address these concerns.  As a local health district, we can relate to unfunded mandates; but as concerned citizens who want the best for our children and our future as a nation, it is worth the extra effort.  I urge all schools to help us collect critical data, such as BMI, so that community agencies like the Lake County General Health District and Lake Health may develop school-based programs to help the children most at risk.   If you are a parent or guardian with a vested interest, please consider contacting your Board of Education and ask them to partner in the fight against obesity by adopting the BMI screening. 


Ron Graham

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