Monday, April 2, 2012


Every April since 1995, communities around the country have come together to celebrate National Public Health Week (NPHW). This year, NPHW 2012 is April 2 - 8, 2012 and the Lake County General Health District will focus on the theme “A Healthier America Begins Today: Join the Movement.” Preventing disease before it begins is critical to reaching this goal, as well as to lowering the cost of health care. If we take small actions, our communities, homes and families will see the large benefits of preventive care and contribute to the growth of the movement. Each year, chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes are responsible for millions of premature deaths and cause Americans to miss 2.5 billion days of work, resulting in lost productivity totaling more than $1 trillion.

The 2011 Lake County Community Health Assessment indicated that Childhood Obesity (53.4%), Drug Addiction (44.4), Mental Health/Illness (42.2%), and Childhood Obesity (39.9%) were the most important problems facing Lake County. The report further indicated that 68.5% of Lake County adults are overweight or obese. Additionally, the report cited lack of exercise (46.7%), poor eating habits (42.3%), and smoking/tobacco use (38.6%) among the “unhealthy behaviors effecting health.

In order to make Lake County the healthiest county in Ohio, Lake County General Health District is developing key partnerships with stakeholders and agencies, such as Lake Health, Lake County YMCA, Lake County Free Clinic and countless others.

Lake Health leads the B-Fit Corporate Challenge with support from the Lake County General Health District, Lake Metroparks, and the Lake County YMCA that allows for employers and employees to keep active and expose them to life-long physical activity options. For more information, visit or contact Sharon Minjares 440-350-4512.

Action Communities for Health, Innovation, & EnVironmental ChangE (ACHIEVE) Wellness Lake County is a central site to get involved in starting your school or agency on a path to better health. We are also looking for leaders to become engaged in our efforts to impact health policies and programs in Lake County. To find out more, visit or contact ACHIEVE Coach Tori Sinclair at 440-350-2442.

Over 25 Lake County families have benefited from the personalized nutrition and healthy lifestyle coaching services of the Lake County Healthy Lifestyle Initiative. One family first seen during the month of February was able to incorporate changes they learned from the Healthy Lifestyle Initiative Registered Dietitian and Health Educator into their daily lives and have began to see results. The son saw a two pound weight loss over the course of the month and has gotten his blood glucose readings under control. Additionally, the whole family has seen an improvement in their health since beginning the program.

For more information on NPHW, visit

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